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Health ingredients (Hi) Europe & Natural ingre dients (Ni)

When:11/27/2018 10:00am to 11/29/2018 6:00pm
Contact Name:GHListing
Event Website:https://hotels.ghlisting.com/wtsevents/health-ingredients-hi-europe-natural-ingre-dients-ni/

“Europe’s leading health, natural and nutrition show”
This leading nutritional ingredients event provides a complete overview of the nutrition and wellness industries. International leaders in nutritional food and beverage innovation meet biennially to showcase their latest solutions and network. Hi Europe highlights ingredients and solutions for food and drink formulation/reformulation, dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, organics, and packaging and processing and more, for a fully integrated view of the industry.


  • The Hi Conference brings together leading industry experts to meet, learn from & network with
  • The 1-day Future of Nutrition Summit attracts independent food pioneers to explore innovations
  • Discover new ingredients & tech solutions from leading suppliers at the Supplier Solutions Sessions

Ticket Price Description

Location Info


Frankfurt Fair, Frankfurt, Germany Frankurt Fair, Frankurt +49

Hotels in Ghana
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