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West & Central Africa Mining Summit & Expo

When:10/24/2018 9:00am to 10/25/2018 6:00pm
Contact Name:Magenta Global Pte Ltd Singapore

“Energizing Sustainable Growth & Profits in West & Central Africa Mining Operations”
Commodity prices are on the rise and most mining companies are in positive cost and cash positions. Exploration and mining companies now face key choices about where to invest and how to position themselves in the coming years. The West & Central Africa mining region beckons with attractive geological potential for world class mineral deposits to be tapped.Where can growth be found in the West & Central Africa mining region? What are the most promising exploration prospects? What are the challenges? We invite you to join us at WaCA Mining 2018.Over the years this definitive mining event has grown from strength-to-strength showcasing the dynamism and resilience of the mining industry in the WaCA region. Now into its 10th year, the Summit is convened at a time when the mining industry is looking to the future with confidence


  • Latest updates on mining in Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Senegal, DRC, Sierra Leone, Mauritania
  • New business models for mining under volatile regulatory and investment conditions
  • Developing growth strategy – organically
  • Maximising mine productivity & operational management
Ticket Price Description

Location Info

West & Central Africa Mining Summit & Expo

Hotels in Ghana
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