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International youth diplomacy conference 2019

When:7/16/2019 8:00am - 2:00pm
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IYDC-Accra, 2019 will gather over 1000 youth leaders from 54 Countries to stay in Accra. You can not miss out.

International Youth Diplomacy Conference (IYDC) is a flagship event of Innovation for Empowerment and Development (IFED) Global. It is an innovation of the Model United Nations Conference. A simulation of the United Nations General Assembly, Security Council and other agencies under the United Nations. It combines youths across Africa and beyond to discuss pertinent issues of Global interest. IYDC, mostly held in Accra, is educative as well as entertaining.

University of Ghana, Legon

Legon Boundary

Accra, Greater Accra

Ticket Price Description

Location Info

Greater Accra Ghana

Accra, Ghana Accra,

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