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When:7/21/2018 8:00am - 3:00pm
Contact Name:SHIFT HSRV

The Gradute Jumpstart Summint is an event organized for young people comprising of continuing students and fresh graduates. Its aimed at helping these young people identify key areas of their lives and helping them focus on improving those areas. The event will create the opportunity for young people to meet, interact, and participate in 8 different sessions by 8 dynamic speakers on 8 key areas. Each session is enriched with essential information plus adequate time for Q & A in other for participants to have all of their questions and inquiries addressed. The rationale for this event is to inspire young people to initiate the process of self empowerment early so as to aspire to apply the strategic approach of being a well rounded and developed individual who is an asset to themselve and the nation as a whole. Participants will have the opportunity to enjoy a year long training and development programs, job and internship opportunities, coaching and mentorship sessions, as well as free career counseling. They get to try their hands at personality, temperament and career inventory tests. Certificate of participation, snacks and lunch is assured.


* How to use use coaching and mentoring effectively

* Finding your purpose in life

* Developing your brand

* How to manage personal finances

* Young people and enterpreneurship

* Health, Diet, and Fitness

* The essentials of communication and public speaking

There will be lots of give aways by sponsors and autographs sessions with celebrities.

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