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Get Inspired 2018

When:10/26/2018 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Contact Name:by african dream foundation

It is said that out of the heart of a selfless man flows sweet and wondrous ideal thoughts and actions. This year, we bring to the university of Ghana community a moment of great inspiration structured as a training conference that is going to come with down to earth systematic approaches and motivational resolutions to dare the potentials and capabilities of the university students. By providing answers to the questions not asked in the lecture room, by using words to challenge, motivate and empower the university students, the primary objective of the event is to stir up the souls of its audience to help unleash their distinct persona. At the african dream foundation, we believe in what Abraham Lincoln said “ the best way to predict the future is to create it ”, an individual therefore needs a proper identification of himself/herself to make decisions that would create the future he/she wants. In a university community where most students are admitted based on available programs but not the actual interests of its students, the event would make a lot of relevance by creating awareness on the various opportunities that is available to every student irrespective of their programs or courses and also to educate them on alternative approaches that anchor their path to becoming who they always dream of thus reminding them that everything is possible so far as the mind is willing to change and the body ready to act. The event is expected to hold a minimum of 1200 students and a maximum of 1500 students.

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Get Inspired 2018

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