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Ghanaians-in-Diaspora Motherland Breaking Conference

When:11/28/2018 9:00am to 11/30/2018 7:00pm
Contact Name:by Moving Mountains Prayer Outreach

Moving Mountains Prayer Outreach presents a
3-Day Ghanaians-in-Diaspora Motherland Breaking Conference
Hosted by Prophet Israel Julius

Calling all Ghananians who reside overseas!

You are invited for a 3-day encounter with the Lord in Prayer.

Join us for this ground breaking experience full of miracles, signs and wonders. 
Get ready for an experience like never before.

Fellowship, Worship, Praises, Breakthroughs, Deliverances…
For in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, mountains are removed, iron gates are broken, witchcraft powers are destroyed, and captives are set free!

Get answers to your prayers and get ready to excel to your next level!

This conference is open to all Ghanaians in Diaspora but registration is required.

DATES: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 through Friday, November 30, 2018
TIMES: Daily Morning Sessions 9:00am to 12:00pm & Daily Evening Sessions 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Sunlodge Hotel Conference Hall, 
No. 76, 4th Road, Off Achimota – Circle Road (Behind the Shell Filling Station) (Saxel Estates), 
Tesano, Accra, Ghana, West Africa


Rates: $101/Night Single Room, $113/Night Double Room
Alr inquiries, contact:

Pastor Anthony — +233249007585 Ghana
Hannah — (708) 699-5521 USA
Milly — (773) 936-8828 USA

See you there!l attendees are advised to lodge at the conference hotel for ease of stay and transportation.
Address: Saxel Estate, 76, Fourth Rd, Accra, Ghana, West Africa
Phone: +233 30 224 4778

For inquiries, contact:
Pastor Anthony — +233249007585 Ghana

Hannah — (708) 699-5521 USA
Milly — (773) 936-8828 USA

See you there


Ticket Price Description

Location Info

Ghanaians-in-Diaspora Motherland Breaking Conference

Hotels in Ghana
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